About me

Karina Del Pezo, ACM

Karina is a Mexican American Healer, published author and Founder of Terra Nova Crystals, an online crystal shop.

Karina helps people connect to their soul crystals through live sales and private consultations. She teaches online spiritual courses and also provides Shamanic Crystal Reiki healing sessions. 

She is a multi accredited Advanced Crystal Master, Crystal Shaman, Reiki Master, Akashic Records Practitioner, Crystal Sound Healer, Tarot Advisor, and a Numerologist. She weaves these modalities together to create unique healing experience for her clients.

What she enjoys most about her journey is witnessing her client’s as they discover their spiritual path and empowerment through vibrational healing.

Outside of her professional pursuits, she finds joy and serenity in the calming embrace of nature. She has a deep appreciation for the ocean, animals, and working with her garden.

Her contribution in this lifetime is self discovery through crystals and Earth's Herbal Magick.

What my clients have to say

“You are something special Karina I have no words to express how grateful I am to have crossed paths with you and learning to do this work with you. Thank you for all you do, you have been a catalyst for my healing again and again. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Tanya W
Karina I love how down to earth and magical you are!

You've taught me how to incorporate more of that into my own practice without overthinking it and I love that you lead from a healers heart in whatever you do.

Your not only my favorite magical babe but also my favorite crystal guru! I love buying from you because not only do you know your stuff, I love how you work.
Sarah S.
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